Sintered Metal Filters
Sintered Metal Filters
Sintered Metal Filters
SINTERED METAL FILTERS   Sinterfuse d.o. produces sintered metal porous filters by powder metallurgy (PM) technology. They are made from bronze powder or stainless steel powder, commonly AISI 316L. We produce them in different shapes: Stainless steel disc filters Stainless steel ring (tube-like) filters Bronze disc filters Bronze ring (tube-like) filters Other customized shapes are also possible due to wide possibilities of PM technology.   Sintered metal filters have very good characteristics and advantages comparing to conventional filters:
  • Good filtering properties
  • Narrow tolerances
  • High temperature resistance
  • High chemical (corrosion) resistance,
  • High mechanical stability at elevated temperatures and pressure
  • Possibility of cleaning
They are used in many applications:
  • Chemical industry
  • Food industry
  • Medicine
  • Home appliances
  • Industrial
  • Transport industry
  • Many other industries
  Stainless steel filters are commonly made of AISI 316L stainless steel powder. These filters are made by compacting in appropriate tools and sintering. Stainless steel powder consists of irregular particle shape. Different pore sizes of the filter can be achieved with different compacting pressure and/or different particle size. Comparing to bronze sintered porous filters, stainless steel sintered filters are stronger and suitable for higher temperatures. Bronze filters are made of spherical bronze powder. These filters are produced by filling the molds and sintering. Different pore sizes are achieved only by different particle size.


Sintered Metal Filters
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